Mechanical & Electrical Engineers

Given & Associates

Mechanical and Electrical Engineers

celebrating 30 years of excellence in engineering


Quality Engineering Services | Creative, Innovative Approaches | Competitive Fees

Given and Associates is a Professional Mechanical and Electrical Engineering firm that services both private and public clients.
We are a contemporary firm that utilizes the latest design technology to prepare quality engineering documents.
It is our belief that a client’s time is best spent managing the project, not the engineers.

Our Services

We have provided quality services for over 4,000 facilities throughout the United States. We are currently
licensed in over 30 states and can obtain additional licenses rapidly through our membership with NCEES.

Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Plumbing Design
HVAC Design
our projects
our Community & culture
About Us
About Given & Associates

We believe in celebrating our achievements
and giving back to the community.